Welcome to Warsong.Ge World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King ქართული სერვერი
Online players

Character Level Race Class Location
Deadpool 80 Wintergrasp
Riplol 80 Wintergrasp
Da 80 Trial of the Champion
Darit 80 Wintergrasp
Buzuzu 80 Grizzly Hills
Giga 80 Wintergrasp
Anomally 80 Wintergrasp
Hardpower 80 Dalaran
Tedi 80 Dalaran
Healbot 80 Wintergrasp
Prist 80 Wintergrasp
Coomshotgodx 80 Stormwind City
Ted 80 Wintergrasp
Likegodx 80 Wintergrasp
Dodoki 80 Pit of Saron
Kayaknuti 80 Icecrown